Turkey has a great botanical richness with more than 9600 plant species. This number approaches to 12,000 together with the subspecies and varieties. All information about plants of Turkey has been gathered in "Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands", Davis, 1984, Vol. I-IX, along with lots of studies which have been done by Turkish botanists (Vol: X & XI). A new taxon is being discovered in Turkey every five and a half days!

This website has been constructed to gather as much information as possible about native plants of Turkey and encourage the non-scientists to be aware of and/or identify the plants in the field, though it is not so easy. We hope this site fills the visual and informational gap regarding our flowering plants.

All rights reserved. The photographs can be used in any non-profit publications, by a permission given by the owners. Please contact us for permission.





We would like to thank to Mehmet TAŞ, teacher of Mathematics,( https://durualan.com) who reconstructed and redesigned the website, making it more “user friendly”, safer and faster; to Prof. Hüsnü Can Başer for sharing his photo archive; to Ori Fragman-Sapir of Israel, head scientist of the Jerusalem botanical Gardens, who didn't hesitate to share all of his archive with us; to Assoc. Prof. Hasan Genç for sharing the photographes of the Turkey's "Lathyrus" genus, (http://lathyrussp.wordpress.com); to Alfonso De La Rosa, who permitted us sharing his beautiful photoes from Italy; to Assoc. Prof. Hasan Yıldırım Mustafa Keskin, MSc, who never hesitate for helping in identification of the plants; to Prof. Ahmet Duran (Apiaceae & Hesperis sp), Prof. Osman Erol (Crocus sp), Faik Ahmet Karavelioğulları, MSc (Verbascum sp), Gol Shan Zare, PhD (Orobanchaceae), Barış Özüdoğru, PhD (Brassicaceae), Prof. Kemal Yıldız, (Silene genus) and  Assoc. Prof. Ferhat Celep (Lamiaceae) for their great contribution; to Mehmet Hanay, who voluntarily offered us to share the photoes which have been shared in his website (www.dogalhayat.org); and, to all other contributors who have shared or will share their photoes.