Crenosciadium siifolium

Crenosciadium siifolium


Glabrous ascending perennial with a creeping rootstock; stems 15-25 cm, striate, glabrous. Basal leaves 1-pinnate, oblong in outline, 5-8 cm with petiole; leaflets 2-3-paired, obovate, 10-18 mm, crenate, margin ± cartilaginous. Umbels unequally 3-5-rayed; bracts 1-2, linear-lanceolate; bracteoles 3-5, linear. Flowers 5-10 per umbellule, white. Fruit c. 6 x 2 mm, elliptic, glabrous; mericarps subconvex; valleculae 3-4-vittate; commissures 6-8-vittate. Fl. 7-8. Damp meadows, stream sides in Pinus nigra forest, 1400-1800 m.


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Alanya- Antalya
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Alanya- Antalya
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