Biarum pyrami

Biarum pyrami

Ağu kınası

var pyrami
Tuber not seen. Lamina of leaves ovate-elliptic, 8-12 x 3-5 cm, apex obtuse, abruptly attenuate into petiole c. 10 cm; lateral veins c. 10 per side. Scape 2.5-3.5 cm. Tube of spathe with margins free except in lowest 1/4ventricose, 4-5 cm, pale green outside, pale lilac to dark purple with orange blotches inside; lamina lanceolate, 18.5-20 x 5-6 cm, acuminate, broadening in lower 1/3suddenly contracted above top of tube, greenish purple outside, greenish purple blotched or heavily suffused purplish-black inside,  becoming recurved. Spadix 18.5-25 cm, longer than spathe; female zone discoid, 3.5-5 mm; sterile zone 10-15 mm, sterile flowers few, mainly just above the female zone, patent, pointing in various directions; male zone c. 10-15 mm. Appendix fusiform, shortly stipitate, tapered towards apex, 12-21 cm x 5-8 mm. FI.9-1. Rudera habitats, c. 60 m.
Palestine; Iraq ? 
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