Centaurea cheirolopha

Centaurea cheirolopha

Hanım sarıbaşı

Perennial, stems 20-25 cm, erect or ascending, simple or with few branches. Leaves green and glabrescent above, grey-tomentose below, of variable form, basal and lower usually lyrate with large lanceolate or hastate terminal segment and 1-3 pairs of lateral segments or undivided, lanceolate, entire or denticulate; median and upper leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, sometimes narrowly decureent. Involucre 15-20 x 9-12 mm, ± ovoid. Appendages small, brown, broadly triangular, spreading or reflexed, with 5-7 digitate 1-5 mm spinules. Flowers yellow. Achenes 4-5,5 mm; pappus 0,5-1,5 mm, inner row not distinctly different. Fl. 6-8. Quercus and Pinus woods, steppe, 300-1800 m.
Lebanon. E. Medit. Element.
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