Paracaryum rugulosum

Paracaryum rugulosum

 Kaba çarşakotu

Perennial, tufted or stems solitary, 10-40 cm, erect, densely canescent. Basal leaves oblong to linear-lanceolate, lamina 40-170 x 2-15 mm, margin flat, cauline lanceolate to linear. Inflorescence shortly paniculate. Pedicels 2 mm in flower, to 6 mm in fruit, ± exceeding calyx. Calyx 5 mm, densely pubescent. Corolla violet-blue, 4-5 mm, cylindrical-campanulate, limb and tube subequal, limb lobed to 1,5 mm. Scales trapeziform, apex emarginate. Style 2-3 mm. Nutlets 5-6 x 5 mm, disc smooth or sparsely echinulate; margin of wing incurved, rugulose, entire or irregularly denticulate. Fl. 3-5. Rocky places, especially on limestone, 1550-2200 m.
S.W. Asia from Sinai to Pakistan. 
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