Campanula rapunculoides

Campanula rapunculoides


Glabrous to shortly pubescent perennial. Root thick, branched, sometimes with long stolons. Stem 30-100 cm, usually simple, erect, ± striate, glabrous or pubescent, scabrid, leafy. Basal and lower cauline leaves cordate, ovate to oblong, to 10 x 5 cm, long-petiolate, dentate; upper lanceolate, sessile, dentate. Flowers usually solitary, in branched, racemose, secund  inflorescence. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, deflexed, much shorter than corolla. Corolla infundibular-campanulate, divided to 1/3 into ovate, acute lobes with ciliate margin, blue-violet. Style ± as long as corolla. Stigmas 3. Capsule globose, nodding, opening by 3 basal pores. Seeds oblong, flattened, 1·2-1·5 x 0·7-0·8 mm, brown, shiny.
1. Median cauline leaves ovate with obtuse base; corolla 2-2·5 cm ...subsp. rapunculoides 
1. Median cauline leaves deeply cordate; corolla 1-2·3 cm ...................subsp. cordifolia