Astragalus densifolius

Astragalus densifolius

ssp amasiensis: Amasya gümüşü; ssp ayashensis: Ayaş gümüşü; ssp densifolius: Gümüş geven

Scapose perennial with branched woody caudex. Leaves 6-14 cm; leaflets 1-6 mm, broadly oblong to orbicular, deeply notched at the apex, simple-lanate, 30-40-paired; stipules 8-14 mm, lanceolate-acuminate. Peduncles 4-15 cm. Inflorescence a dense, ovoid to globose, 10-30-flowered spike. Bracts c. 8 mm, linear-lanceolate. Calyx 8-12 mm, tubular, sparsely pilose; teeth 3-4 mm, linear. Corolla white to mauve or purple; standard 12-14 mm. Legume c. 12 mm, ovoid; beak c. 2 mm, curved. Fl. 5-6. Mixed woodland, steppe, limestone slopes, 1200-2400 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. Related to A. coadunatus and A. amasiensis.