Vicia pannonica

Vicia pannonica

 Macar fiği

Annual, ± adpressed-pilose; stems decumbent or climbing, 20-80 cm. Leaflets 5-9-paired, 6-25 x2-7 mm, linear or linear-oblanceolate to oblong or obovate, obtuse, truncate or retuse; stipules 1-4 mm, semi-hastate to ovate or lanceolate; tendrils simple or branched. Peduncle somewhat shorter than calyx, 2-4-flowered. Flowers 16-22 mm, yellowish, whitish brown or purplish. Calyx 8-13 mm, somewhat gibbous, with a rather oblique lip, densely pilose; teeth unequal, the lower c. as long as tube, linearsubulate. Standard subadpressed-pubescent on the outer surface, limb about as long as claw. Legume oblong, 15-30 x 6-9 mm, acute, convex at the lower edge, densely adpressed pilose-villous. Seeds 3-7, hilum 1/6-1/4 of perimeter. Fl. 4-7. Cultivated and fallow fields, roadsides, s.l.-1300 m.
1. Corolla yellowish or whitish-brown; standard green- or purple-veined; flowers up to 22 mm .............var. pannonica
1. Corolla dusky violet, concolorous; flowers 16-20 mm ...........................................................var. purpurascens
Distribution of species: S. & C. Europe, N.W. Africa, Cyprus, Caucasia, N. & N.W. Iran. 
ssp pannonica
  • 588
  • 5
  • 0
ssp purpurascens
  • 570
  • 4
  • 0
  • 594
  • 4
  • 0
  • 588
  • 4
  • 0