Marrubium globosum

Marrubium globosum

Ssp globosum: Bozcaboğum

Erect, little branched perennial. Stems 15-35 cm, densely white pilose with stellate hairs. Basal leaves spathulate to orbicular, crenate, petiolate, densely pilose on both surfaces with long whitish, greyish or yellowish hairs. Cauline leaves petiolate, oblong-elliptic, broadly elliptic or orbicular, prominently crenate-serrate, at least in upper 1/2, densely pilose on both surfaces. Verticillasters very dense, several-flowered, each pair forming a ± hemispherical mass, lower ones sometimes pedunculate; bracteoles shorter than calyx tube. Calyx tube 4-5 mm, stellate-pilose, hairs mostly with elongate central branches; teeth straight, erect, 1.5-2 mm, stellate-pilose for 1/2 to most of their length. Corolla whitish, densely stellate pubescent outside, somewhat less so within the upper lip.

1-All verticillasters sessile .................................................subsp. globosum

1-At least lower verticillasters pedunculate ..................subsp. micranthum

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.