Salvia nemorosa

Salvia nemorosa


Perennial herb. Stems 30-60 cm, many, erect, branched above, eglandular-pilose to pubescent with short hairs, occasionally retrorse, or longer spreading hairs. Leaves simple, oblong-lanceolate, cordate, 3.5-10 x 1.2-4 cm, pubescent with few to many sessile glands, serrulate to crenate; petiole 1-3.5 cm. Verticillasters many, c. 6-flowered, approximating, showy. Bracts ovate, acuminate, 5-10 x 3-6 mm, purplish or violet. Pedicels 2-3 mm. Calyx tubular-campanulate, c. 6 mm, to 8 mm in fruit, pilose to villous with sessile glands; upper lip strongly recurved in fruit. Corolla purple to violet-blue, 10-12 mm; tube ventricose, not squamulate;upper lip slightly falcate. Stamens B. Nutlets rounded trigonous, ± ovoid, c. 2 x 1.5 mm. Fl. 6-9. Rocky slopes in steppe, fallow fields, sloping meadows, waste ground, 1000-2300 m.
C. Europe, Balkans, S. & C. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, Iran, Afghanistan. 
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