Scutellaria salviifolia

Scutellaria salviifolia

 Has kaside

Stems greenish, decumbent and finally erect, 10-15 cm, pilose with antrorsely curved hairs. Leaves petiolate, lamina ovate to elliptic, 8-20 x 5-12 mm, rugose with impressed veins, ± greyish-tomentellous and with sparse glandular hairs, apex obtuse, margin crenate-dentate. Raceme many-flowered; bracts spathulate-oblong, subentire. Corolla bright yellow, 16-25 mm, pubescent. Fl. 5-8. Stony slopes, clearings in Pinus and Abies forest, Quercus scrub, macchie, 400-1900 m.
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