Cymbalaria muralis


Cymbalaria muralis


subsp. muralis: Ak nakkaşotu
Trailing saxatile perennial, glabrous at maturity. Stems to 60 cm, forming mats and, producing adventitious roots from at least some nodes; middle and upper internodes subequal. Leaves reniform to semicircular or rarely suborbicular, usually c.12-15mm but occasionally considerably larger, shallowly palmate with 5-7 rounded often shortly mucronate lobes, dull greenish above, violet beneath. Flowers solitary, axillary, long-pedicellate. Calyx 2-2-5 mm. Corolla lilac to violet with yellow palate, 8-15 mm; spur 1,5-3 mm, subcqual to calyx. Capsule usually longer than calyx, glabrous. Seeds broadly ellipsoid to globose, c. 1 mm, black, with high acute ridges and a few tubercles. Fl. 5. Naturalized on walls, nr s.l. 
Native to S. Alps; W. Jugoslayia. C. & S. Italy & Sicily ; now extensively naturalized on walls, stony ground and shingle in most ofW., C. &S, Europe. 
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