Ampelodesmos mauritanicus


Ampelodesmos mauritanicus


Perennial 1-1.5 m tall, forming dense tufts nearly 1 m across. Flowering stems to 3 m, solid, glabrous, pale green. Leaf sheaths glabrous, striate. Ligule 8-15 mm, ciliate at base. Leaf blades to 100 x 0.8 cm, strongly veined, scabrid, subulate-acuminate. Inflorescence 45-50 cm, branches scabrid. Spikelets 4-flowered, 10-15 mm, yellow or greenish suffused purple. Lodicules 2 , lanceolate, ciliate. Lower glume obscurely 5-veined, 7.5-10 mm; upper glume 5-veined, 10-12 mm, scabridulous, mucro to 2 mm. Lemma linear-lanceolate, 10-15 mm, villous in basal half, 2-dentate, with 2-4 mm subterminal awn. Palea 8.5-9 mm. Anthers linear-oblong, 6 mm. FI. 6. Dry slopes nr ruins.
Mediterranean area. Medit. element.
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