Bromus rubens

Bromus rubens

 Tilki bromu

Annual. Stems 10-25 cm, erect or ascending, sometimes hairy below panicle. Leaf sheaths pubescent. Leaf blades 2-12 cm x 4-5 mm, pubescent. Panicle 5-10 x 2-5 cm, stiffly erect, very dense, cuneate at base, often reddish-brown; branches and pedicels much shorter than spikelets. Spike1ets 15-22 x 2-5 mm, cuneiform, densely crowded, subsessile, hairy or glabrous, with 4-8 florets, upper florets sterile, reduced. Lower glume 5-6 mm, upper 7-9 mm, both largely hyaline. Lemma 10-13 x 2-3 mm, elliptic, strongly veined with an apical, 2-3 mm notch; awn 7-12 mm, straight, reddish. Palea shorter than lemma, very narrow. Stamens 2 or 3; anthers to 2 mm, Caryopsis 8-11 mm. Fl. 3-6. Dry hills and open sandy and rocky areas, waste ground, s.I.-1000 m.
S. Europe, N. Africa, S.W. Asia.
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