Echinochloa crus-galli


Echinochloa crus-galli


Glabrous annual. Stems erect or geniculate-ascending, to 150 cm, branched. Ligule absent. Leaf blades 5-20 mm broad, to 30 cm long. Inflorescence erect or nodding; racemes 3-10 cm. Spikelets secund, crowded or in pairs, 3-4 mm. Glumes membranous, minutely hairy on veins with longer rigid hairs; lower c. 1/3 x spikelet, 3-5-veined; upper covering rounded back of spikelet, 5-veined. Lower lemma pointed or abruptly narrowed into a short cusp or awn to 7 cm. Upper lemma mucronate, rounded on back, tough and smooth. Fl. 6-10. Moist places, ditches, muddy riverbanks, and as weed in rice fields and gardens, s.l.-2080 m.
Mediterranean area, Caucasia, S.W., C. & E. Asia, N. America; naturalised in C. Europe.
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