Holcus lanatus


Holcus lanatus


Caespitose perennial. Stem 20-110 cm, erect to geniculately ascending from base, slender to rather stout, pubescent at nodes and below them, Leaf sheaths with reflexed hairs; ligule to 4 mm, truncate, denticulate; blades 4-20 cm x 3-10 mm, linear, acuminate, pubescent on both surfaces. Panicle 5-15 x 2-4 cm, oblong; branches 2.5-4.5 cm, patent; pedicels 1-4 mm, aculeolate. Spikelets 3-5 mm, oblong to lanceolate. Rachilla segments 0.5-0.7 mm, glabrous. Glumes lanceolate, obtuse, ciliate on keel and veins, scabrid or puberulent to villous on upper part of keel; upper glume equalling spikelet, with an arista to 1 mm from sinus. Lemma 1.5-2 mm, enclosed.by glumes, shiny, usually glabrous, slightly scabrid on middle vein, truncate at apex; lower lemma without an awn, with a few long hairs at base equalling palea; upper lemma with c. 2 mm awn arising from just below apex, usually recurved, shortly hairy at base. Palea2/3xlemma. Anthers1.5-1.7mm. 2n=14. Fl.5-8. Sandy soil near sea and on damp alpine slopes, nr s.l.-2000 m.
Europe and most of Mediterrane an area, Georgia, Abkhazya. Introduced in N. America. Euro-Sib. element.
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