Stipa bromoides


Stipa bromoides


Perennial, with short creeping rhizomes. Stems to 1 m, erect, solitary or fasciculate, slender, smooth. Ligule obsolete. Leaf blades glaucous, setaceousconvolute, scabrid to pilose above. Panicle linear, contracted, to 30 cm, spikelets few, 8-10 mm. Glumes lanceolate, subequal, distinctly 3-veined, whitishgreen. Lemma 6-8 mm, dorsal surface covered with adpressed hairs, more densely hairy towards base, glabrescent above; awn inserted between 2 teeth at apex, 12-18 mm, straight, not twisted, scabridulous. Fl. 5-8. Open scrub, stony places, on limestone, nr s.l.-1060 m. 
Mediterranean area, Crimea, Caucasia, N. Iraq, N. Iran, Khorassan. Medit. element.
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