Consolida saccata


Consolida saccata


Plant 25-60 cm, with numerous, slender, divaricate branches, pubescent with yellow, glandular, spreading hairs. Leaf laciniae linear, acute, ciliate. Flowers 20-25 mm, dirty white or with the lateral sepals pale bluish. Corolla 5-lobed upper lobe rather sharply bifid, slightly longer than acute, narrowly dentiform intermediate lobes; lateral lobes much larger, triangular, acute; spur elongate, bent forwards, apex uncinately saccate. Follicle subcompressed, semiobovate- oblong, 10-17 x 3-4 mm., apex rounded, abruptly rostrate. Fl. 6-7. Stony fields.
N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element. Distinguished from all other species in this group by the shape of its spur and lateral corolla lobes.
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