Galium parvulum

Galium parvulum

Az iplikçik

Dwarf, caespitose, slender perennial. Stems filiform, 2-4 cm, subalate-quadrangular, prostrate towards base, puberulent; branches erect to ascending, sparingly puberulent, sometimes hairy above nodes. Leaves in whorls of 5-6, 3-5.5 x 0.2-0.5 mm, lower slightly exceeding internodes, oblanceolate to oblanceolate-elliptic, upper 1/4 to 1/3 shorter than internodes, linear to narrowly oblanceolate-linear, acicular, shining, cuspidate to mucronulate at the somewhat incurved apex, with hyaline apex 0.5-1.5 mm, slightly revolute along margins, hairy above , glabrous beneath, vein thickish and prominent. Inflorescence few-flowered, lax, almost corymbiform, with capillary branches; cymes 2-flowered; peduncles 2-6 mm, pedicels c. 3-7.5 mm, divaricate, glabrous. Corolla yellowish-green, c. 1.5-2 mm diam., rotate; lobes ovate to oblong-ovate, erecto-patent, apex slightly incurved, apiculate. Ovary with adpressed hairs on back. Mericarps broadly ellipsoid, c. 0.75-1 mm, with patent, uncinate hairs 0.075-0.1 mm. Fl. 6-7. Schistose rocks, 300-2000 m.


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