Tanacetum argenteum

Tanacetum argenteum

Ssp argenteum: Kaya pireotu; Ssp canum: Bodur pireotu; Ssp flabellifolium: Bayrak pireotu
Caespitose herb with thick branching woody rootstocks often bearing remains of old leaves. Stems 20-30 cm, silvery or whitish-tomentose, leafy or almost leafless above. Basal leaves 2-7 cm on 1-3 cm petioles, entire, lacerate-pinnatisect or 2-pinnatisect, flabelliform, ovate or orbicular in outline, primary segments 5-9-paired, entire or 3-5-fid at apex or divided into about 7 linear-lanceolate segments; cauline leaves smaller, upper less divided or entire. Capitula 10-80 in dense terminal corymbs. Involucre 3-4 mm broad, campanulate in outline, base rounded; phyllaries ± densely sericeous; with pale scarious apices and margins above; outer linear-oblong, 3-3.5 x 1 min, inner oblanceolate, 4.5-5.5 x 1.5 mm. Female flowers absent. Hermaphrodite flowers c. 15-30, 2.5 mm. Achenes brown, 5-ribbed, glandular, 2-2.25 mm ; corona unilateral, developed on posterior side of achene, c. 0.75-1.5 mm, apex somewhat toothed.2n = 18. Fl. 6-8. Rocks and limestone cliffs, 990-2500 m.
1. Leaves entire, flabelliform, notched or crenate at apex ...........................subsp. flabellifolium
1. Leaves more deeply divided or 2-pinnatisect
  2. Leaves deeply cut into 5-7 ± cuneate lobes, segments entire or toothed at apex ...............................................subsp. argenteum
  2. Leaves pinnately divided into 5-9 segments each subdivided into 3-7 entire or ternate lobes ......................subsp. canum