Allium isauricum

 Allium isauricum

Dağ sarmısağı

Bulb ovoid-ellipsoid, c. 20 mm; outer tunics coriaceous, pitted, pale brownish or greyish. Stem 24-31 cm. Leaves 2, canaliculate, to 4 mm broad, retrorsely ciliate at margin. Spathe 3-lobed, white-hyaline, suffused with purple and with purple veins. Umbel fastigiate,5-8-flowered. Pedicels to 15 mm, unequal. Perianth campanulate; segments pure white, c. 10 mm, concave, irregularly crenate or toothed at apex, outer segments obovate, obtuse or retuse, inner shorter and narrower, elliptic, subacute. Filaments 1/2 x perianth segments. Ovary broadly obovoid. Capsule unknown. Fl. 6. Limestone scree, 1900-2020 m.

Endemic to Yellibel Da. E. Medit. element.