Viola kitaibeliana

Viola kitaibeliana

Yabani menekşe
Annual herb, stems 3-12 cm, the whole plant with a dense indumentum of short crisped hairs. Lowermost leaves orbicular, the rest oblong-spathulate, all crenately lobed. Stipules pinnatipartite, with an oblong-spathulate, crenately lobed, petiolate terminal segment, and smaller lateral segments. Peduncle bibracteolate just below the flowers. Sepals lanceolate. Corolla creamy-white to yellow, with a yellow center, the lowermost petal 5-8 mm. Fl. 3-6. Stony slopes, screes, macchie, banks, etc., s.l.-1800 m.
S. & C. Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria, Caucasia. 
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