Galanthus elwesii

Galanthus elwesii


Bulb subglobose to ovoid, 2-3.5 x 1.5-2.5 cm. Leaves narrowly oblanceolate, supervolute in bud, 12-20 x 1.3-2.5 cm at anthesis, to 36 x 3.2 cm and upright at maturity, sometimes twisted, apex obtuse, cucullate, glaucous. Scape 12-28 cm. Outer perianth segments convex, elliptic to broadly obovate, 20-27 x 12-19 mm, inner segments flat, not flared at apex, narrowly oblong-ovate, 10-15 x 5-8 mm, with separate green patches at base and apex, sometimes joined in centre. Filaments 1 mm, anthers 5-6 mm. Capsule broadly ellipsoid to globose, 10-20 x 10-20 mm. 2n = 24. Fl. 2-4. Open phrygana or rocky areas in leaf-mould among Pinus and Juniperus forest, 900-1800 m.

N. Greece, Bulgaria. E. Medit. element. Considerable variation in leaf breadth is apparent throughout the range of the species in our area.

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var. monostictus
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