Pimpinella corymbosa

Pimpinella corymbosa

Salkım anason

Puberulent biennial or perennial with much-branched stems up to 60 cm. Basal leaves 10-15 cm, petiolate, 1-2-pinnate, segments 0,5-1,5 cm, suborbicular, cuneate or linear, entire, crenate or dentate, sometimes deeply incised. Cauline leaves petiolate, 1-3-pinnate, segments cuneate or linear. Umbels 6-15-rayed; bracts and bracteoles present. Flowers white, 8-20 per umbellule; petals usually hairy on back, hairs confined to base andlor midrib, sometimes glabrous. Fruit ovoid to subglobose, tuberculate or with long or short dense hairs; stylopodium depressed. Fl. 5-8. Meadows, rocky slopes, steppe, 400-2300 m.
N. & S. Iran, N. Iraq, Sinai, Lebanon, W. Syria. Ir.-Tur. element.
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