Pimpinella tragium

Pimpinella tragium

Teke anasonu

Perennial up to 60 cm high, glabrous, puberulent or crisped-tomentose. Basal leaves 5-25 cm, petiolate, oblong, 1-pinnate, segments cuneate, ovate or orbicular, crenate to slightly or deeply dentate. Cauline leaves usually reduced to a sheath. Umbels 6-15-rayed; bracts and braeteoles absent. Flowers white, sometimes pinkish, 10-20 per umbellule; petals hairy on dorsal surface. Hairs confined to midrib or centre of petal, margin glabrous. Fruit 2-3 mm, ovoid, shortly tomentose; stylopodium hemispherical.
1. Plant with crisped-tomentose indumentum; leaf segments 3-6 cm long subsp. pseudotragium
1. Plant glabrous or puberulent; leaf segments 0,5-2 cm long
   2. Leaf segments 0,5-1 cm long, margin deeply serrate subsp.lithophila
   2. Leaf segments 1-2 cm long, margin shortly serrate subsp. polyclada
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