Biarum eximium

Biarum eximium

Adana pancarı

Tuber 2.3-4 cm diam., 1.3-3 cm high. Lamina of leaves ovate-oblong, elliptic-oblong or spathulate-elliptic, 4-17 x 2-4 cm, apex subobtuse, base very gradually attenuate into 7-14 cm petiole; lateral veins c. 12 per side. Scape 1-3.5 cm. Tube of spathe with margins free except near base, ventricose, 3-4 cm, green outside, dark purple inside; lamina oblong-ovate, 8-9 x 3-4 cm, purple and minutely spotted outside, dark purple within, becoming recurved. Spadix slightly shorter than spathe; female zone hemispherical, c. 5 mm; sterile zone c. 25 mm, sterile flowers scattered along whole length of interstitial axis, ± curved upwards, 5-10 mm; male zone c. 20 x 5 mm. Appendix cylindrical, tapered towards apex, sessile, 6-8 cm x 7.5 mm. Fl. 9. Low plains, c. 60 m.
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
  • 805
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  • 324
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  • 786
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