Carpesium cernuum

Carpesium cernuum

Yedi kuzeyotu

Perennial , 30-60 cm, covered with fine pale spreading pubescence. Leaves ovate, lower ones 10-18 x 3-5 em, attenuate at base, subpetiolate, acute at apex, margins sinuate-dentate; upper ones smaller, c. 7 x 1 cm. Capitula solitary, 1-1,5 cm broad on 5-10 cm peduncles. Outer phyllaries 3-4 mm, foliaceous, spreading or reflexed; inner ones 7-8 x 2-2,5 mm, oblong, subscarious, obtuse, glabrous, erect. Flowers c. 2 mm. Achenes 4 mm, glandular on beak and at base. Fl. 8-9. In shady woodland beside streams, s.l.-300 m.

S. & C. Europe, S.W. Russia, Caucasia, N. Iran eastwards to China and Japan.

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