Centaurea behen


Centaurea behen


Zerdali dikeni
Perennial with erect glabrous stem, c. 60-150 cm, branched above with numerous capitula, branches overtopping their relative main-axis. Leaves firm, with elevated nerves, appearing glabrous ; lower petiolate, very large , usually lyrate with 1-3 pairs of retrorse lanceolate segments or lobes , stem-leaves oblong or broadly lanceolate, sometimes pinnatilobate, decurrent; leaves of branches much smaller, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, decurrnet or merely stem-embracing. Involucre 18-28 x 10-20 mm, contracted towards top. Appendages consisting of a minute ± persisting tip up to 0,8 mm, sometimes altogether absent. Flowers yellow. Achenes c. 5 mm; pappus 5-8 mm. Fl. 6-8. Rocky slopes, fallow fields, 340-1730 m.
Palestine, Lebanon, N. Iraq, Transcaucasia, N.W. & N. Iran. Ir. Tur. Element.
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