Doronicum bithynicum

Doronicum bithynicum

Ssp bithynicum: Darınac; Ssp sparsipilosum: Ilgaz darınacı
Plant 45-75 cm, with short horizontal rhizome. Basal leaves ovate-elliptic to triangular, cordate, obtuse to subacute; lamina 7-12 x 7-10 cm; petioles, long-glandular or pilose. Cauline leaves few,lower similar to basal leaves, upper elliptic to ovate, sessile. Capitula 2-3; disc up to 2 cm broad. Peduncles up to 18 cm, densely long-glandular towards apex. Phyllaries ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, clothed with long- and short-stalked glands. Fl. 6-8.
1. Lower half of stem sparsely to densely glandular-hairy ; basal leaves elliptic to ovate, up to 1.5 x as long as broad; phyllaries ovate-lanceolate ...........................................subsp. bithynicum 
1. Lower half of stem bearing sparse muItiseriate hairs; basal leaves triangularto ovate-cordate, scarcely longer than broad; phyllaries linear-lanceolate ......subsp. sparsipilosum