Doronicum cacaliifolium

Doronicum cacaliifolium

Kaya kaplanotu

Plant rather small, 40-50 cm. Stem finely dotted with subsessile glands, appearing glabrescent. Leaves membraneous, dullish green, ovate to ovate-reniform, obtuse, 3-6 x 5-8 cm, margins regularly crenate-dentate, subsessile-glandular, surfaces dotted with subsessile glands and acute-tipped uniseriate hairs, petioles up to 10 cm, subsessile gland-dotted. Cauline leaves petiolate, auriculate-amplexicaul at base; bract leaves lanceolate, sessile. Peduncles much-branched, bearing many heads , finely and densely tomentose, giving upper part of plant a mealy appearance. Capitula small, disc up to 1,7 cm broad. Phyllaries lanceolate; margins with stalked glands of medium length, outer surface with subsessile glands and short-stalked round-tipped multiseriate hairs. Fl. 8. Shady N-facing cliff ledges, 1550-2300 m.

Endemic. E. Medit. element.

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