Helichrysum noeanum


Helichrysum noeanum


Plant densely grey-felted, eglandular. Flowering stems 8-17 cm, simple, flexuous, arising from an erect branching caudex. Sterile shoots with ovoid swollen base. Leaves oblanceolate-spathulate, 2-7 cm, longitudinally wrinkled and often becoming inrolled when dry. Capitula hemispherical, 6-9 mm, borne 3-12 in loose corymbs. Phyllariesobtuse, concave, very loosely imbricate, lemon yellow to gold. All flowers hermaphrodite. FI. 6-8. Dry calcareous hillsides and nr salt lakes, 900-1500 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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