Helichrysum yurterianum

Helichrysum yurterianum

Gümüş hencecalik

Densely tufted, mat-forming, greyish-white lanate, eglandular perennial. Flowering stems flexuous, 4–7 cm, arising from stout, muchbranched woody caudices. Basal leaves simple, entire, petiolate, spathulate-oblanceolate, 8–16 x 1–6 mm; cauline leaves alternate, sessile, linear to linear-lanceolate, 9–15 x 0.8–2 mm, not adpressed to stem. Sterile shoots with prominently swollen leaf-bases; shoot leaves closely imbricate; inner surface of coriaceous base brown, 5–7-veined, glabrous; outer surface densely grey-felted to weakly lanate. Inflorescence unbranched. Capitula homogamous, discoid, hemispherical, 5–8 mm diam., 3– 5 in moderately lax terminal corymbs. Phyllaries scarious, scarcely spreading, regularly imbricate, flat, 5–6-seriate; middle ones straw-coloured to pale yellow, obtuse-rounded; inner ones lemonyellow; outermost phyllaries ovate, 3–4.2 x1.8– 2.1 mm; innermost phyllaries spathulate to linear, with hyaline margin, 4–4.5 x 0.8–2 mm. Receptacle flat. Flowers 32–44, all hermaphrodite. Corolla tubular, five-lobed, pale yellow, 2.3–3.2 mm; lobes 0.2–0.3 mm, glandular. Anthers ecalcarate, 1.7–1.9 mm, with short simple tails and obtuse apical appendages. Style bifid, 2.5–3 mm; style branches 0.7–0.8 mm. Achenes obcylindrical, 0.8–1 x 0.4–0.6 mm, pale brown, densely verrucose, glandular; pappus scabrid, ca. 3 mm long, dirty white. Flowering and fruiting late June to August.


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