Alkanna orientalis

Alkanna orientalis

 Sarı sormuk

Plant 30-50 cm, densely and ± shortly glandular-pubescent, without or with sparse setiform ,hairs. Basal leaves lanceolate to oblong, 10-20 x 1·5-4 cm, margin ± erose-undulate; cauline oblong to ovate, 1-4 x 0·4-1·5 cm. Calyx 6-8 mm in flower, 10-15 mm in fruit. Corolla yellow or white, glabrous outside, 8-13 mm, limb 5-9 mm diam. Nutlets 3-3·5 mm diam., granular-tuberculate; beak slightly deflexed. Fl. 4-8. Rocky places, steppe, volcanic slopes, s.l-2450 m.
1. Corolla golden, rarely bright yellow var. orientalis
1. Corolla white or ivory-white var. leucantha