Aethionema grandiflorum


Aethionema grandiflorum


Koca kayagülü
var grandiflorum
Many-stemmed perennial herb with simple or branched flowering stems, 15-30 cm. Leaves narrow, linear-oblong, sessile, evenly covering the stem. Petals pink 5-11 x 3.5 mm, blade and claw distinct or not, blade 3-nerved. Filaments not or scarcely connate, slightly dilated, not dentate. Inflorescence loosely racemose, elongating in fruit. Ovary bilocular, loculi 1-ovulate. Fruiting pedicels suberect, 3-4 mm. Siliculae ovate or orbicular, flat or slightly cymbiform, 8-10 x 10-12 mm; wings 2-3 mm entire or slightly erose-dentate; sinus 3-4 mm; style subsessile; septum 3.5-5 x 2.5 mm. Seeds 1-2. Fl. 5-6. Dry rocky slopes, c. 1000-3000 m.
Transcaucasia, Iraq & Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 
Var sintenisii
Syn: Ae.sintenisii
Many-stemmed perennial with simple flowering stems, 15-20 cm. Leaves narrow,linear-oblong, sessile, evenly and densely covering the stem. Petals pink. narrowly oblong, 5 x 1,5 mm, with a narrow claw and 1 nerve. Filaments neither connate nor dentate, dilated at base; anthers apiculate. Inflorescence loosely racemose, elongating in fruit. Fruiting pedicels suberect, 3-4 mm. Ovary bilocular, loculi 1-ovulate. Siliculae ovate, 7 x 6 mm; wings 1,5-2 mm, entire; sinus 1,5-2 mm; style 0,5 mm. Seeds 1-2. Fl. 5-6. Stony slopes, c. 1000 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. 
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