Anchonium elichrysifolium

Anchonium elichrysifolium

 Subsp elychrysifoliumSüsün; Subsp villosum:  Tüylü süsün

Perennial herb with a short woody stock and numerous sterile rosettes. Stems erect, sometimes scapose, 4-40 cm. Leaves entire, usually canescent, oblanceolate to spathulate, tapering into a long petiole. Flowers very fragrant. Petals bright yellow, 10-13 mm. Siliquae usually lanceolate, often constricted between the seeds, pubescent, 10-30 mm, borne on erect-spreading, or rarely deflexed pedicels. Stigma lobes diverging. A very polymorphic species, divisible in Turkey into 6 subspecies:
1. Petals 6-9 mm; siliquae villous with hair as long as the siliqua is broad...................  subsp. villosum
1. Petals usually 10-13 mm; siliquae less densely pubescent
  2. Whole plant densely white-pannose.......................................................................  subsp. canescens
  2. At most the young leaves white-pannose
   3. Stems unbranched, usually scapose.......................................................................subsp. elichrysifolium
   3. Stems branched above, usually leafy
    4. Plants completely egiandular .................................................................................. subsp. persicum
    4. Plants with glands on the stems and pedicels
     5. Plants canescent as well as glandular...................................................................  subsp. cilicicum
     5. Plants principally glandular, with a few branched hairs, but not canescent............ subsp. glandulosum