Diplotaxis muralis


Diplotaxis muralis


Boğaz penki
Annual or biennial herb usually with several ascending flowering stems up to 40 cm, with a few scattered hairs at base of stem or on petioles. Leaves mostly confined to a basal rosette, lyrate-pinnatifid, long-petiolate. Upper leaves, if present, oblong, ± sessile. Petals 6-7 x 3,5-4 mm, pale yellow fading brownish, obovate. Fruiting pedicels 6-13 mm, erect-spreading. Fruit 24-45 x 1,5-2 mm, including a beak 1,5-3 mm, torulose; stigma same width as or a little broader than beak. Fl. 6-12. Fields and waste places near s.l.
C. and S. Europe, Crimea, N.W. Africa.