Isatis floribunda


Isatis floribunda


Perennial. Stems 30-60 cm, strongly angled, bearing a dense corymbose panicle with the branches coming off at an acute angle . Leaves thin, adpressed-pubescent; basal leaves linear-lanceolate; median stem leaves dense, linear-lanceolate, acutely auricled. Flowers 3-3,5 mm. Fruits narrowly oblong, 12-15 x 3-4 mm, adpressed velutinous at least at the median loculus, wing thick, narrower than the loculus, extending above into an oblong-spathulate, often emarginate wing , midrib slender, fruit often bent upwards at the loculus when ripe. Fl. 5-6. Steppe, banks, fallow fields and vineyards, 900-1500 m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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