Isatis glauca


Isatis glauca


Ssp galatica: Yılangelmez; Ssp glauca: Soğutot;
Ssp iconia: Konya çiviti; Ssp sivasica: Sivas çiviti
Perennial. Stems 50-100 cm, glabrous, pubescent or hirsute below. Leaves leathery or thickish, glaucous, entire, glabrous or sparsely hirsute, often drying a somewhat yellowish green; median stem leaves exauriculate or very shortly acutely auricled. Panicle 12-30 cm across. Flowers 3-5 mm, often drying a brassy yellow, sepals glabrous. Fruits. oblong, elliptic or narrowly cuneate-oblong, glabrous, velutinous or tomentellous, midrib slender and obscure. 
1. Fruit oblong, oblong-elliptic or broadly elliptic, rounded or subtruncate at both ends, glabrous or velutinous; median stem leaves leathery, oblong-obovate, exauriculate or very shortly acute-auricled
2. Wing of fruit thick and spongy, fruit 13-30 x 5-7 mm; stems 50-100 cm, stout ................subsp. glauca
2. Wing of fruit thin and membranous, fruit 10-16 x 5-7 mm; stem usually about 50 cm and more slender .........subsp. iconia
1. Fruit narrowly cuneate-oblong, apex rounded, tapering from above the loculus towards the base, 16-22 x 5-6 mm, densely tomentellous ; median stem leaves firm, oblong or nearly so, exauriculate ..subsp. exauriculata
subsp. galatica 
Differs from all other subspecies in its broadly oblong or elliptic fruits.Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element. .