Campanula damboldtiana

Campanula damboldtiana

 Ayaş çançiçeği

Perennial herb with many stems. Root cylindrical, thick, twisted. Flowering stems 5.5-22 cm., ascending, rigid, densely retrorsely strigose, with numerous leaves. Basal leaves absent. Cauline leaves oblong-linear, sessile, rigid, median ones 12-25 x 2-4 mm, acute, patent or deflexed, densely antrorsely strigose, lower and upper decreasing in size. Inflorescense racemose or narrowly subpaniculate, 1.5-15 x 1-2 cm., upright. Bracts linear-lanceolate. Flowers suberect, 2-bracteolate. Ovary hemisphaerical, c. 3 mm wide. Calyx teeth triangular- lanceolate, 3-4mm long, adpressed- pubescent, suberect, shorter than corolla tube, appendages cordate-orbicular, adpressed, covering ovary, inflated and reticulately veined in fruit. Corolla infundibular-campanulate, c. 12x12 mm, lilac-blue, adpressed pubescent outside, divided to 1/3; lobes ovate, acute, spreading. Filaments 2.5 mm, ciliate; anthers 6.5 mm long. Styles excerted, ±trilobed. Capsule obconical, c. 3 x 4 mm, opening by three basal pores. Seeds oblong-ovoid, 1.7 x 0.9 mm, smooth, straw-colored, with a whitish margin. Fl.6-7, Marly, eroded slopes, stony steppe, 1190-1400m.
Endemic. Ir.-Tur. Element
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