Cerastium brachypetalum

Cerastium brachypetalum

 Ssp roeseri: Gevşek boynuzotu; Ssp tenoreanum: Uzun boynuzotu

subsp. roeseri
Annual. Stems up to 35 cm, glandular-pubescent. Leaves elliptic to oblanceolate, pilose. Inflorescence lax, many-flowered. Pedicels glandular-pubescent, exceeding the calyces in length. Sepals 4-6.5 mm, glandular-pilose, with a tuft of long eglandular hairs at and exceeding the apex. Petals almost as long as the sepals, with a small auricle at the base, claws pilose. Capsule clearly exserted from the calyx, teeth with revolute margins. FI. 3-6. Macchie, forest, etc., s.l.-1700 m.
Mediterannean area. 
subsp. roeseri
  • 750
  • 6
  • 0
  • 567
  • 2
  • 0
  • 513
  • 1
  • 0