Cerastium lazicum

Cerastium lazicum

 Laz boynuzotu

Rhizomatous perennial, completely glandular-pubescent. Stems short. Leaves sessile, elliptic-oblong, obtuse. Inflorescence a few-flowered cyme, or reduced to 1 flower. Bracts herbaceous. Pedicels refracted in fruit. Sepals ovate, obtuse, with scarious margins. Petals exceeding the sepals, glabrous, shortly bilobed. Capsule exserted from the calyx. Seeds with inflated, spongy testas. Stony places, 3300 m.
Endemic and unknown apart from the type-collection. Euxine element.
Kaçkar dağları
  • 730
  • 164
  • 0
Kaçkar dağları
  • 735
  • 166
  • 0