Cerastium purpurascens

Cerastium purpurascens

Alaca boynuzotu
Caespitose perennial. Stems ascending to erect, 5-30 cm, spreading-pilose. Leaves lanceolate, somewhat obtuse, pilose. Inflorescence lax, many-flowered. Pedicels reflexed after anthesis. Sepals 8-10 mm, sparsely pilose, with scarious margins. Petals white, 12-18 mm, usually almost 2 x longer than the sepals, with pilose claws. Capsule ± 2 x longer than the calyx, opening by teeth with revolute margins. Fl. 6-8. Slopes, pastures, screes, 1800-3800 m.
Caucasia, N. Iran.
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