Euphorbia kotschyana

Euphorbia kotschyana


Minutely crisped-puberulous to subglabrous somewhat glaucous robust perennial to 80 cm, individual stems taking 3-5 years to flower, arising from a stout woody stock. Cauline and ray-leaves narrowly oblanceolate to elliptic-oblong, lower cauline leaves shortly petiolate, upper subsessile, 3-8 x 0.5-1.3 cm, obtuse, tapered to base, entire, glossy green above, dull and glaucous beneath. Raylet-leaf 'cups' 1-4 cm across, yellowish at first. Rays 5, to 3 times dichotomous; axillary rays 5-16. Glands shortor medium-horned. Fruit strongly trilobate, 5.5-6.5 mm diam., smooth. Seeds ovoid-eylindrical, 3-3.5 mm, smooth, dark grey, caruncle small. Fl. 5-8. Open Abies and Cedrus/Juniperus excelsa forests, Quercus scrub, rocky limestone slopes, mountain steppe, 300-2500 m.
Latakia, Lebanon . E. Medit. element.
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