Euphorbia peplus

 Euphorbia peplus

 Bahçe sütleğeni

Glabrous annual to 40 cm. Stems simple or 2-branched from base, erect or decumbent. Cauline leaves with lamina ovate, suborbicular or obovate, 2-20 x 2-12 mm, obtuse or emarginate, entire, base attenuate into a 1 cm petiole. Ray-leaves similar to cauline, but more shortly petiolate. Raylet leaves sessile, somewhat obliquely ovate-rhombic, 3-15 x 2-10 mm, rounded or cuneate. Rays 3-4, to 6 times dichotomous; axillary rays 1-4. Glands with 2 short, medium or long horns. Fruit trilobate, each valve with 2 dorsal ridges parallel to keel, 2 mm diam., smooth. Seeds ovoid-hexagonal, 1-1.6 mm, ventral facets 2, each with a longitudinal groove, lateral and dorsal facets each with 2-4 pits, pale grey, grooves and pits darker grey; caruncle conical, white. Fl. 2-8. Liquidambar forest, phrygana, rocky and grassy places, fields and waste ground, s.l.-1400 m.
1. Stems erect, simple or few-branched; cauline leaves obovate; seeds 1.3-1.6 mm var. peplus 
1. Stems decumbent, often much-branched; cauline leaves ± orbicular; seeds 1-1.4 mm var. minima 
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