Astragalus leporinus

Astragalus leporinus

Iraz geveni

Procumbent, scapose perennial. Leaves 10-20 cm; leaflets 10-18 mm, elliptic to obovate, sparsely to densely simple-villous, 8-12-paired; stipules 10-16 mm, broadly lanceolate. Peduncles c. 1 cm. Flowers pedicellate, in conferted, 4-8-flowered racemes. Bracts c. 15 mm, broadly lanceolate. Calyx 13-16 mm, tubular, sparsely simple-villous; teeth 2-5 mm, linear or linear-Ianceolate. Corolla yellow; standard 25-30 mm. Style glabrous. Legume c. 15 mm, oblong, densely long-villous, sessile; beak 2-4 mm. Fl. 4-5. Quercus and Pinus woods, shaly hillsides, fields, etc., 600-1500 m.

  1. Leaflets densely villous ........................................................................................... var. leporinus
  2. Leaflets sparsely villous, hairs sometimes restricted to midrib and leaflet margins.. var. hirsutus