Astragalus ornithopodioides

Astragalus ornithopodioides

Pala geveni

Caulescent perennial; stems erect to prostrate, up to 45 cm. Leaves 2-4 cm; leaflets 6-10 mm, obovate to narrowly oblong, obtuse, adpressed bifurcate-hairy, 7-14-paired; stipules 2-3 mm, triangular, united at the base. Inflorescence c. 1,5 cm diam., a globose to oblong, 10-20-flowered raceme, dense at first later elongating and becoming lax; flowers with pedicels c. 1 mm. Bracts c. 1 mm, lanceolate. Calyx 6-7 mm, tubular, sparsely white adpressed bifurcate-hairy; teeth 1-2 mm. Corolla violet; standard 12-16 mm. Legume 20-30 x 1-2 mm, cylindrical, incurved into a semi-circle or more, pendulous or spreading, constricted between the seeds, adpressed bifurcate-hairy. 2n = 32 Fl. 3-7. Fields, grassy slopes, on shale, etc., 700-2300 m.
Georgia, Soviet Armenia, N.W., N. & C. Iran. Ir.-Tur. element. 
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