Astragalus oxytropifolius

Astragalus oxytropifolius

Mart geveni

Dwarf scapose perennial with woody branched caudex. Leaves 4-16 cm; leaflets 4-10 mm, oblong, with rounded apices, simply lanate, 20-25-paired; stipules 10-12 mm, lanceolate, narrowed into a long acumen. Peduncles 6-15 cm. Inflorescence a dense, shortly cylindrical, 30-40-flowered spike. Bracts c. 6 mm, linear. Calyx 8-12 mm, tubular, sparsely lanate; teeth 3-4 mm, linear. Corolla pink or purple; standard 14-16 mm. Legume c. 6 mm, ovate, densely lanate; beak c. 8 mm, curved. Fl. 5-7. Clearings in Pinus forest, limestone slopes, 850-2100 m.
Endemic; Ir.-Tur. element. 
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