Astragalus ponticus

Astragalus ponticus

Zümra geveni

Erect, caulescent, perennial, 25–100 cm. Stipules linear-lanceolate, 12–30 mm, sparsely adpressed-pilose especially on margins. Leaves 7–35 cm, petiole 7–30 mm; leaflets in 9–23 pairs, oblong, narrowly ovate, obtuse, 7–40 × 3,5–12 mm, glabrous above, adpressed simple-pilose below. Peduncles 0,5–1 cm. Racemes globose or ovate, flowers sessile. Bracts lanceolate-ovate or linear, 2–7 mm, ciliate on margins. Bracteole absent. Calyx 12–15 mm, tubular, tube slightly inflated in fruit, villous; teeth 1–3 mm, linear, ciliate. Petals yellow. Standard 18–22 × 6 mm, stenonychioid, glabrous. Wings 18 × 3 mm. Keel 17–18 × 2–5 mm. Filaments 16–17 mm, glabrous, white to yellowish; anthers yellow, dorsifixed. Ovary 5 mm, ovoid, densely white hairy; style 15 mm, hairy at the base, stigma capitate. Legumes 10 × 4–4,5 mm, ovoid, compressed, included within the calyx, pilose, bilocular; beak curved, 4–5 mm. Seeds reniform, 4 × 2.5–3 mm, light brown and smooth. Fl. 5–8. Stony places, fields, roadsides, meadows, spaces of forests, riversides, dry banks, etc.; 500–2800 m.
Crimea, Iran, Europe, S. Russia, Bulgaria. 
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