Ebenus boissieri

Ebenus boissieri

 Bahar geveni

Plant 25-45 cm, silky-pubescent with adpressed hairs. Leaves with 2-5 pairs of leaflets; leaflets elliptic, 10-20 x 4-6 mm. Flowers in long pedunculate spherical heads; peduncle 15-35 cm; head diam. 2,5-4 cm. Outer bracts suborbiculate, mucronate-acuminate. Calyx somewhat longer than corolla, 15-20 mm, with unequal often recurvate teeth, three lower teeth twice as long as two upper. Corolla 13-18 mm, petals sulphureous, glabrous. Fl. 6-8. Limestone rocks, calcareous steppe, 1200-2000 m.
Endemic; E. Medit. element.