Lathyrus blepharicarpus

Lathyrus blepharicarpus

Kirpikli imirdik

Slender, diffuse annual, usually spreading-pilose. Stems narrowly winged, 15-40 cm. Leaflets narrowly elliptic to linear, 10-40 x 2-7 mm; stipules semisagittate, 2-3 x as broad as stem; tendrils simple or sometimes 3-sect. Peduncle 1-flowered, somewhat shorter than the leaves. Calyx 4.5-7 mm; teeth broadly lanceolate acuminate, ciliate, c. 2 x as long as tube. Corolla brick-red or dull orange; wings obovate. Legume broadly elliptic-oblong, 20-30 x 10-15 mm, shortly beaked, the upper suture broadly 2-winged, the wings being 1-2 mm broad and stiffly ciliate like the lower suture; style 4-6 mm. Seeds 3-4, punctate. Fl. 3-4. Hills, phrygana, grassy places, 100-600 m.

W. Syria, Cyprus. E. Medit. element.

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